Saturday, 15 February 2014


Please understand that there exits one fellowship only and that is the fellowship IN CHRIST JESUS, WITH GOD, and THROUGH THE HOLY GHOST.
But like I'm about to share, this fellowship reflects in three dimensions, namely: The fellowship of the word and prayers, fellowship of love, and the most deepest fellowship of suffering.

Please note that operating from any of these dimensions does not mean the rest are not important, neither does it mean neglecting the others in anyway. No, instead all these dimensions are realms our lives must project from. The mastery of any area is always useful in the mastery of others to come; nothing is outgrown.

The first dimension we will start with in this part is
I like to call this the fellowship of intimacy. This dimension focuses solely on building up the believer to know and understand God personally through revelation from the Word by the Holy Ghost, and a two-way communication system called prayers.

When the believer prays, she/he is equipped by the Holy Ghost with divine ability to live in the light. The word of God is light itself (Ps, 119:105 and 130), but it only brightens a man's life when given access. And when the light of God's word enters in, it brightens up the life of such a man. As he takes in the Word and downloads it into his system, he receives light (understanding of the deep things of God) for direction in all areas of life. Such cannot be confused or lost (Col, 1:9-11).

This form of fellowship helps the believer to know God more through the scriptures by the opening of the heart in wisdom and understanding. It enables the believer to live in the Spirit maintaining constant contact with God through prayer and God's word.
This fellowship is as important as the other dimensions we can operate from; it is as important as salvation itself. Why, because God only relates to you according to your personal conviction of Him (your personal revelation); and also you can't know how to please Him when you don't know Him or what He even desires from you/for you.
(1st Cor. 2:10, 1st John 1:6, 2:3-5, Prov. 4:7-8)....

As we continue, may God help us to understand how to live in this fellowship.

To be continued...

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