Wednesday, 19 February 2014


The second dimension we will look at is
This fellowship centers the fellowship of sharing, service, encouragement, etc. It is the essense of our living as sons and daughters of God. This (love) is our identity (John 13:35).  The fellowship of love is and will remain the life of our brotherhood; and Giving is the order or expression of it.
This fellowship involves sharing God’s word with others, forgiving the sins of others, interceeding for others, mutuality and involvement in the life and situations of others. This fellowship finds fulfillment in making the lives of others much better.

The fellowship of love puts self behind; it is selfless and born(made possible) only when the light has penetrated and is now the base of our living. (Gal. 6:2, Phil. 6, 1st John 4:8, 1:3, 6, James 4:3).

And then we have
Please understand in this context that this suffering is not the type the world understands because it is beyond them. Only spiritual can get this because it is a spiritual truth.

This suffering is the crown(fulfillment) of the saint. It is not the state of being in pains or distress caused by uncontrollable events or happenings.No, this suffering is the constant exercise or testing of our faith, obedience, and passion as believers; this gives us fulfillment and a great sense of spirituality. This was the kind of fellowship the Apostles and early believers were bathed in.This dimension is expressed when the saint has been possessed by his love for Christ. It is what Christ lived through here on earth. It is the life of passion where a man finds joy in sacrifice because he is aware of its blessing on others and on his future. This fellowship is a fellowship of choice. A paradox of life which the ordinary man never fathom or accept.

“As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” -2nd Cor. 6:10.

The world can never understand this, and sadly, neither can some believers. This deep dimension is not one we can run from; Christ paid for it and we must walk in it. This is where we can fulfill our destiny, no where else. (Matt. 19:16-29).

The fellowship of suffering is not the life of poverty, or of lack or sickness, etc. No, it is the call of strong faith, great wealth and success, eternal rewards, life and power, both here and in eternity.  Those that will understand this most are those believers in anti-christian environments who experience daily persecutions. It has become their glory to give their lives for something so precious to them:Christ. This is who they live for, live in and is ready to lose their lives for. (Phil. 3:10, 1st Cor. 4:9-16).

Build up yourself in these fellowship with God. Seek Him through the Holy Ghost. Let Him bring you into deep intimacy with Himself and you’ll never be the same again. You will laugh at the face of challenges because you will be reigning over from the seat of Christ’s victory. (Job 5:6-8, Rom. 8:37)

Hope you were blessed by this complete series. Please feel free to share this light to others.


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