Thursday, 1 September 2011



Take your time to please read this. God loves you so greatly and longs to have oneness with you always (John 3:16b, Gen 3:8-9, Psalms 139), but sin separates us from Him and keeps us apart. thus, making us enemies with Him and subject to death (Gen. 3:17-19, Rom. 3:23,6:23,8:7, James 4:4). Although, He hate sin, yet He never stops loving the sinner. He had to come down to the earth and take the place of death for us all (the penalty of all our sins) so that He could restore us back to Himself (Isa. 54:4-11, 2 Cor. 5:14-19); resurrecting in order to make us partakers of His good will and pleasure towards all who believe.
(Eph. 2:15-16, James 4:4). What will make you a better person and bring you into the kingdom of God is not a change of heart, or good deeds, but by one, Christ Jesus (John 14:6, 2 Cor. 5:14-19). He is our reconciliation.
I don't wanna drive you into accepting Christ or scare you into being born again because of fear of death or eternity in hell. But, i want you to see the Lord Jesus Himself, meet Him, and touch Him. I need you to be honest with God from the depth of your heart (Luke 8:15). Whatever is in your heart, come to God frankly and openly with it. You don't need to change your entire belief system or change at all. You can be saved as you are because that's how He wants you- just the way you are.

If you can be honest about what's in your heart, whether it is somethings like:
-" I don't wanna repent or at lest not now"
-"I can't believe this crap"
-"I don't desire salvation"
-"I don't think I am too bad to be saved"
-"I don't even understand this gospel"
-"I don't believe in God. Not your God or any other god".

whichever category you fall into, if you will just be honest about it to God, then He is prepared to meet you. It is His pleasure to reveal Himself to you and to accept you just the way you are. Sincerely ask Him to do so today and He will come in and dwell with you and make you whole again (Revelations 3:20). If you don't know what to pray, here is a prayer for you; receiving Jesus Is as Easy as Praying this Prayer with a sincere heart that believes:

"Lord Jesus, I recognize that I have sinned. I ask you Lord to
forgive me my sin. I choose to turn from sin and follow you. I
choose to live for you, tell others about you and love others. I choose to be your
servant and spread your love. I thank you Lord that you died in
my place. I thank you for forgiving me my sin. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

Your Christian life can be a continuous miracle as it was for Paul when you consciously and continually walk with God and after His Spirit (Rom 8:15-17). Receive the Holy Spirit today and begin to live the victorious Christian life. God bless you.

Will be glad to hear from and pray with you. Let's share this testimony and help each other become mature in Christ.

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